Friday, June 15, 2007

Ironman, Interviews and Pushing Fire Trucks

The production crew headed down last week for 2 days of shooting of Luke Everett competing at the Iron-man Race and then 2 days of interviews. As everyone knows, filmmaking magic happened as Luke DID finish the race last year but this year we had to be creative. After actually swimming the ocean section we headed for the bike. Luke rode for just over 10 miles before being convinced to go to breakfast and then jumping back into the race.

Then it was off to the Ranch for 2 days of interviews. We chose the historic RSM fire truck as a backdrop so you will notice that in the photos. Might I say its hard to push this thing when there is a rock under the tire. After 7 men figured this out we were able to push this thing into the garage. The wind down here is strong, bad on the audio.

1 comment:

Hands and Feet said...

Great serving opportunity...thought I was giving my gift of service to something, but I was the one that received!!! Can't wait to see how this film unfolds!