After 13 months, filming in: La Purisima, Ensenada, Guadalupe (all in Baja California, Mexico), Santa Barbara, San Diego, North Carolina, Michigan and lastly Los Mochis Sinaloa (down in Mainland Mexico). From the blazing hot sun in La Purisima to the frozen tundra of Michigan, and everything in between. We had people getting sick, the directors mother passed away, a helicopter not showing up and one we had reserved crash, the film pressed on. We had uncooperative cows, but cooperative police, but best of all wonderful people who went above and beyond to make this film happen, from ESPN radio in Fayetteville NC to the wonderful folks that showed up at the benefit and everyone that gave, prayed and worked, thank you. BUT... we are far from over, so don't stop praying, don't stop giving. The post production is in full swing which is editing, sound mixing and marketing and will not be cheap, but we know that God will provide, because He has shown that.
As the director TC, the DP Dave and Luke stood on a mountain overlooking the city of Los Mochis they just filmed it was like, wow, we're done (other than our producer who still wants the helicopter shot). It was a feeling of satisfaction of a job well done and seeing God's hand in it all. Stay tuned, because something big is getting ready to happen.